What is HTML?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used to create a web pages and applications. This language is easily understandable by the user and also be modifiable. It is actually a Markup language, hence it provides a flexible way for designing the web pages along with the text.
HTML file is made up of different elements. An element is a collection of start tag, end tag, attributes and the text between them.How to format text?
Collapsed text?
Collapsed text
Centered text?
Colored, bold, italic, underline text?
Colored, bold, italic, underline text
List text?
- Coffee
- - black hot drink
- Milk
- - white cold drink
- Coffee
- Tea
- Milk
- Coffee
- Tea
- Milk
It is a 1st Cell of 1st row in the 1st Table. |
It is a 2nd Cell of 1st row in the 1st Table.
It is a 3rd Cell of 2nd row in the 1st Table. | It is a 4th Cell of 2nd row in the 1st Table. |
, span
, style
, and class
Div is a container in HTML in block-level.
Span is also a container in HTML but in a line-level.
Class is defined in the header part of HTML and used in this div.
url of the same HTML
Image and Button cannot be put inside details-tag.