Sunday, October 9, 2022

Duality in Optimization

Duality in Optimization

Duality in Optimization

This post provides references for a collection of duality results in optimization over general vector spaces.

For a general vector space XX, define Λ(X)\Lambda(X) the space of proper convex (weakly) closed functions defined on XX and Λ(X)\Lambda^*(X^*) the space of proper convex weakly-* closed functions defined on XX^*. Here f:X[,+]f: X\longrightarrow [-\infty, +\infty] is convex and closed iff it is convex and weakly closed, see Theorem 2.2.1 page 60 [2]. As you will see in the following, these spaces play important role the Fenchel conjugations.

Bi-dual Space

Goldstine’s Theorem. (Theorem 8.4.7 page 238 [3]) If XX is a normed space then XX is σ(X,X)\sigma (X^{**},X^{*})-dense subset of XX^{**}.

If X=XX^{**}=X we say that XX is reflexive.

Remark. If XX is a non-topology vector space, its algebraic double dual space equals to XX iff XX is finite dimension. See wiki or Section 44 in [7].

Dual pair

The notion of dual pair is important, for example, in the general construction of Fenchel Rockerfellar duality.

Let XX, YY be general vector spaces. ,:X×YR\langle \cdot, \cdot\rangle: X\times Y \longrightarrow \mathbb{R} is a bi-linear map. The triple (X,Y,,)(X, Y, \langle \cdot, \cdot\rangle) is called dual pair if it satisfies the following conditions:

  1. For xX{0X}x \in X\setminus \{0_X\} there exists yYy \in Y such that x,y0\langle x, y\rangle\neq 0
  2. For yY{0Y}y \in Y\setminus \{0_Y\} there exists xXx \in X such that x,y0\langle x, y\rangle\neq 0

As a direct consequence, for example, if x1,y=x2,y\langle x_1, y\rangle=\langle x_2, y\rangle for all yYy\in Y, then x1=x2x_1=x_2. This explains why the dual pair is also called “separated dual system”, see Section 1.2.1 in [4].

Note that, for a topological vector space XX and its continuous dual space XX^*, (X,X)(X, X^*) with x,x=x(x)\langle x, x^*\rangle=x^*(x) always satisfies the second condition. The following theorem shows that if XX is a locally convex Hausdorff space, then the first condition also holds.

Theorem. (Example Example 8.1.1 page 228 [3]) If XX is a locally convex Hausdorff space, then (X,X,,)(X, X^*, \langle \cdot, \cdot\rangle) is a dual pair.

Bipolar Theorem

Bipolar Theorem. (Theorem 1.1.9. page 7-8 [2]) Let AA be a non-empty set in a locally convex space XX. A=AA^{\circ\circ}=A iff AA is closed, convex containing the origin.

Note that, the Theorem 8.3.8 page 235 [3] also provides the bipolar theorem but in a more general setup called dual pair.

Dual norm

Let (X,)(X, ||\cdot||) be a normed space. This norm induces a topology, called normed topology on XX. Let XX^* be the continuous dual space of XX with respect to this norm topology. Then XX^* is endowed with a norm, say dual norm defined by
x:=sup{x,x:xX,x1}||x^*||_*:=\sup\{\langle x^*, x\rangle: x\in X, ||x||\leq 1\}

It is well known that these norms are weakly and weakly-* l.s.c


  • If XX is a normed space, the prior norm ||\cdot|| is weakly lower-semicontinuous (see Proposition 2.4.6. page 46 [1])
  • If XX is a Banach space, then the dual norm ||\cdot||_* is weakly-* lower-semicontinuous (see Proposition 2.4.12. (ii) c) page 60 [1])

Please note that the statements are very similar but the condition on XX.

An interesting duality result is that ||\cdot|| also has a similar characterization as ||\cdot||_*:
x=sup{x,x:xX,x1}||x||=\sup\{\langle x, x^*\rangle: x^*\in X^*, ||x^*||_*\leq 1\}

Biconjugate Theorem

Biconjugate Theorem. (Theorem 9.3.5. page 327 [1]) Let XXa be a normed space with topological dual space XX^*. Then the conjugation is a bijective map between Λ(X)\Lambda(X) and Λ(X)\Lambda^*(X^*), precisely,

  • For fΛ(X)f\in \Lambda(X), we have fΛ(X)f^*\in \Lambda^*(X^*) and f=ff^{**}=f;
  • For gΛ(X)g\in \Lambda^*(X^*), we have gΛ(X)g^*\in \Lambda(X) and g=gg^{**}=g.

Bi-adjoint operator

Bi-adjoint Theorem. (Theorem 8.10.5 page 257 [3]) Let (X,X)(X,X^*) and (Y,Y)(Y,Y^*) be dual pairs and let the linear map A:XYA : X \longrightarrow Y be weakly continuous. Then A:(Y,σ(Y,Y))(X,σ(X,X))A^*: (Y^*, \sigma(Y^*, Y)) \longrightarrow (X^*, \sigma(X^*, X)) is continuous—i.e., AA^* is weak-*-to-weak-* continuous and A=(A)=AA^{**} = (A^*)^*=A.

Some more properties of adjoint operator (defined over general vector space) can be found in our recent post.

Duality for Subdifferentials

Duality for Subdifferentials. (Proposition 2.33 page 84 [4]) Let fΛ(X)f \in \Lambda(X) and XX be a real Banach space. Then
xf(x)xf(x)x^*\in \partial f(x) \Longleftrightarrow x\in \partial f^*(x^*)

However, strictly speaking, we can only say that f\partial f and f\partial f^* are inverse of each other if XX is reflexive, i.e. X=XX^{**}=X, otherwise, their relation is more complicated, see [5], since f(X)X\partial f^*(X^*)\subset X^{**} and XX^{**} is a proper super-set of XX.

Duality for Uniform Convexity and Smoothness

Duality between uniform convexity and smoothness. (Proposition 3.5.3 page 205 [2]) Let fΛ(X)f \in \Lambda(X), gΛ(X)g\in \Lambda^*(X^*) have proper conjugates and ρ,σ\rho, \sigma are functions in A={φ:[0,+)[0,+]φ(0)=0}\mathcal{A}=\{\varphi: [0, +\infty)\longrightarrow [0, +\infty]| \varphi(0)=0\}.

  • If ff and gg are ρ\rho-convex then ff^* and gg^* are ρ#\rho^\# -smooth, respectively.
  • If ff and gg are σ\sigma-smooth then ff^* and gg^* are σ#\sigma^\#-convex, respectively.

For definition and properties of A\mathcal{A}, see Section 3.3 page 118 [2]. Here, for φA\varphi \in \mathcal{A}, we have φ#\varphi^{\#} is the conjugate of φ\varphi over [0,+)[0, +\infty), i.e. φ#(t)=sup{tsφ(s):s0}\varphi^{\#}(t)=\sup\{ts-\varphi(s): s\geq 0\} for any t[0,+)t\in [0, +\infty). In particular, if φ(s)=c2s2\varphi(s)=\frac{c}{2}s^2, then φ#(t)=12ct2\varphi^{\#}(t)=\frac{1}{2c}t^2, this is equivalent to the duality between strong convexity and strong smoothness.

Smooth and convex normed spaces. (Theorem 1.101 page 35 [4]) If XX^* is smooth (strictly convex), then XX is strictly convex (smooth).

As a consequence, every uniformly convex Banach space is reflexive. (Theorem 1.111. [4])

Fenchel-Rockerfellar Duality

Fenchel-Rockerfellar duality theorem. (Corollary 2.8.5 page 125 [2], Theorem 3.53. page 180 [4]) Let fΛ(Y)f\in \Lambda(Y) and gΛ(X)g\in \Lambda(X) and L:YXL: Y\rightarrow X is continuous. If there exists some y0Yy_0\in Y such that

  • ff is finite at y0y_0
  • gg is finite and continuous at Ly0Ly_0
    infyYf(y)+g(Ly)=maxxXf(Lx)g(x)\inf_{y\in Y} f(y) + g(Ly)=\max_{x^*\in X^*}-f^*(-L^*x^*)-g^*(x^*)

It is extremely important to notice that:

  • If ff is assumed to be strongly convex (or equivalently, ff^* is assumed to be uniformly smooth), then the LHS attains its minimum with a unique minimizer, see Proposition 3.5.8 page 213 [2].
  • The continuity of gg is extremely technical since gg is only assumed to be l.s.c. Fortunately, the following theorem ensures the continuity of a convex function over its interior of effective domain.

Theorem. (Corollary 2.5. page 13 [6]) Every l.s.c. convex function over a barrelled space (in particular a Banach space) is continuous over the interior of its effective domain.

In particular, we have the result: Every proper convex function on a space of finite dimension is continuous on the interior of its effective domain. (see Corollary 2.3. page 12 [6])

Note that the continuity of gg implies its finiteness.

Hence, the condition in above theorem can be replaced: If XX is a barrelled space and
Ldomfint(domg)L \text{dom} f \cap \text{int} (\text{dom} g)\neq \emptyset

Explicitly, the condition ensures the existence of some y0Yy_0\in Y such that ff is finite at y0y_0 and Ly0Ly_0 belonging to the interior of domg\text{dom} g. Together with the barrelled space XX, the continuity of gg at Ly0Ly_0 is ensured.


[1]: Attouch, Hedy, Giuseppe Buttazzo, and Gérard Michaille. Variational analysis in Sobolev and BV spaces: applications to PDEs and optimization. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014.
[2]: Zalinescu, Constantin. Convex analysis in general vector spaces. World scientific, 2002.
[3]: Narici, Lawrence, and Edward Beckenstein. Topological vector spaces. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2010.
[4]: Barbu, Viorel, and Teodor Precupanu. Convexity and optimization in Banach spaces. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
[5]: Rockafellar, Ralph. “On the maximal monotonicity of subdifferential mappings.” Pacific Journal of Mathematics 33.1 (1970): 209-216.
[6]: Ekeland, Ivar, and Roger Temam. Convex analysis and variational problems. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1999.
[7]: Halmos, Paul R. Finite-dimensional vector spaces. Courier Dover Publications, 2017.

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