Scaling factor of Lasso problem
Lasso problem is defined as an optimization problem
where , and . Here , is and -norm, respectively.
For , , the scaling factor of is defined by
If , then and we have a closed form expression of ,
The following experiment illustrates an observation that: is lower bounded by and converges to when is generated by ISTA method.
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
def dic(x, t, w):
diff = x.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1)
g = torch.pow(2, -diff**2/w**2)
norms = g.norm(dim=0)
# assert norms.shape[0] == len(t)
# print(norms.shape)
return g/norms
def setup(x1, x2):
m, n = 100, 16
x = torch.linspace(0., 1., m, dtype=torch.float64)
t = torch.linspace(0., 1., n, dtype=torch.float64)
w = 0.1
atoms = dic(x, t, w)
k = 3
ids = [n//k, (k-1)*(n//k)]
coeffs = torch.zeros(n, dtype=torch.float64)
coeffs[ids[0]] = x1
coeffs[ids[1]] = x2
coeffs = coeffs.reshape(-1, 1)
y = atoms @ coeffs
infor = {
"m": m,
"n": n,
"x": x,
"t": t,
"w": w,
"ids": ids,
"coeffs": coeffs,
lbd = 1.
return y, atoms, lbd, infor
def ISTA(y, atoms, lbd, max_iters=500):
m, n = atoms.shape
assert y.shape == (m, 1)
assert y.dtype == atoms.dtype == torch.float64
x = torch.zeros(n, dtype=torch.float64).reshape(-1, 1)
A = atoms
_, s, _ = torch.linalg.svd(A)
L = s.max()**2
x_list = []
for i in range(max_iters):
x = x + (1/L) * A.T @ (y- A @ x)
x = (x - lbd/L).clip(min=0.)
x_list += [x]
return x_list
def run():
y, atoms, lbd, infor = setup(1, 1)
lbd = 0.1
x_list = ISTA(y, atoms, lbd, max_iters=200)
# factor
normx1_list = [x.norm(1) for x in x_list]
Ax_list = [(atoms @ x) for x in x_list]
dotp_list = [(v*y).sum() for v in Ax_list]
normv2_list = [v.norm()**2 for v in Ax_list]
factor_list = [(a-lbd*b)/c -1 for a, b, c in zip(dotp_list, normx1_list, normv2_list)]
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 5))
ax.set_title("[x]-1 vs iterations")