On the Strong Convexity of Negative Entropy and Kullback-Leibler Divergence.
Author: Tran Thu Le
Date: 15/02/2023
Abstract. In this post, we investigate the locally strong convexity of the negative entropy and its Bregman divergence called Kullback-Leibler Divergence.
For u∈R+m, let
We say that u is a probability if, in addition, ⟨1m,u⟩=∑i=1nui=1.
The negative entropy function of u is denoted by
with gradient
and Hessian
Note. Here note that I(u)=−log(u)=1−∇h(u) is called the information of u.
The following theorem summarizes some of basic results of h when u is bounded by a box.
Theorem. If u∈[0,α1]m, then
- ∇2h(u)−αIm is positively semidefinite ∇2h(u)−αIm≥0
- ∇h satisfies ∣∣∇h(u)−∇h(r)∣∣≥α∣∣u−r∣∣
for all u,r∈Rm.
- h is α-strongly convex
for all u,r∈Rm.
Here Bregh is called Bregman divergence of h. By this theorem we see that
The negative entropy is α-strongly convex on [0,α1]m.
We call the Bregman divergence of negative entropy Kullback Leibler divergence and denote it as KL(u,r)≜Bregh(u,r). It has the following formula
Theorem. Let u,r be probabilities, then the Kullback Leibler divergence has the formula
In particular, if u,r are probabilities, we have
Proof. We have
If u,r are probabilities, on obtains the desired equality since ⟨1m,u⟩=⟨1m,r⟩=1. □
In general, the Bregman divergence is always strongly convex for the first argument if h is.
Theorem. If h is α-strongly convex, then so is Bregh(⋅,r0) for any fixed r0∈Rm.
Proof. This is clear since Bregh(⋅,r0) is the sum of a strongly convex function h and an affine function.□
In general, the Bregman divergence is not strongly convex for the second argument. Hoever, for the Kullback-Leibler divergence, it is locally strongly convex.
Theorem. For u0 fixed on Rm, we have
- KL(u0,⋅) is strongly convex on [0,1/α]m
- KL(u0,⋅) is strongly smooth on [1/β,+∞)
Proof. Indeed, we have ∇rKL(u0,r)=−ru0+1m
and ∇r2KL(u0,r)=diag(r2u0)≥α2u0Im.
for r≤1/α. Note that the RHS is positively defnite since u0≥0.
And that ∇r2KL(u0,r)≤β2u0Im.
for r≥1/β.
[1]: MSE - How to show 1D negative entropy function is strongly convex?
[2]: MSE - How to show nD negative entropy function is strongly convex?