Thursday, June 1, 2023

Chambolle-Pock Algorithm for Solving LASSO


Chambolle-Pock Algorithm for Solving LASSO

This note aims at showing how to solve LASSO by using Chambolle-Pock (CP) algorithm at the most basic level. CP is a primal-dual method solving both the primal and dual problem at the same time. However, it is important to notice that the iterative dual solutions are not guaranteed to be feasible.

The code for this post is available on my Github.

Basic of Chambolle-Pock Algorithm


Primal and dual problem

minxf(Ax)+g(x)\min_{x} \quad f(Ax) + g(x)

maxuf(u)g(ATu)\max_{u} \quad -f^*(u) - g^*(-A^Tu)

Initialization: τ,σ>0,θ[0,1]\tau, \sigma>0, \theta\in [0,1], x0=x0X\overline x_0 = x_0\in X and u0Vu_0 \in V. Here one should choose τ=σ<1/A\tau=\sigma < 1/||A||.


u(k+1)=proxσf(u(k)+σAx(k))x(k+1)=proxτg(x(k)τATu(k+1))x(k+1)=x(k+1)+θ(x(k+1)x(k)) \begin{aligned} u^{(k+1)} & = \text{prox}_{\sigma f^*}(u^{(k)} + \sigma A\overline x^{(k)})\\ x^{(k+1)} & = \text{prox}_{\tau g}(x^{(k)} - \tau A^T u^{(k+1)})\\ \overline x^{(k+1)} & = x^{(k+1)} +\theta (x^{(k+1)} - x^{(k)}) \end{aligned}

Applying on LASSO

The LASSO setup has primal and dual problem defined as follows

minx12bAx22+λx1\min_{x} \quad \frac{1}{2}||b-Ax||^2_2+ \lambda ||x||_1

maxu12b2212bu22I(ATuλ)\max_{u} \quad \frac{1}{2}||b||^2_2 - \frac{1}{2}||b-u||^2_2 - I(||A^Tu||_\infty\leq \lambda)

Here, the dual optimal solution uu^\star is the closest point projection of bb onto U={u:ATuλ}U = \{u: ||A^Tu||_\infty\leq \lambda\}.

This dual problem is a little bit different from aforementioned dual problem since we set u:=u,u:= -u, this is possible since UU is symmetric, i.e. U=U-U=U.

We obtain such above dual problem since

f(v)=12bv22,f(u)=12b+u2212b22f(v) = \frac{1}{2}||b-v||^2_2, \quad f^*(u) = \frac{1}{2}||b+u||^2_2 - \frac{1}{2}||b||^2_2


g(x)=λx1,g(z)=λI(z/λ1)g(x) = \lambda ||x||_1, \quad g^*(z) = \lambda I(||z/\lambda||_\infty\leq 1)

Let u+=proxσf(u)u^+ = prox_{\sigma f^*} (u), then we should have

σ(u++b)+(u+u)=0u+=uσb1+σ\sigma(u^++b) + (u^+-u) =0 \Longleftrightarrow u^+ = \frac{u - \sigma b}{1+\sigma}

and let x+=proxτg(x)x^+ = prox_{\tau g} (x), this is soft thresholding operator evaluated by

x+=sign(x)[xτλ]+x^+ = sign(x) [|x| - \tau \lambda]_+

The following figues illustrates the convergence of CP for a LASSO problem with dual problem in R2\mathbb R^2


Remark. Here since the dual solutions uu obtained from the CP are not dual feasible, we can not use the dual gap as a stopping metric/condition as usual. Here we consider another quite interesting metric as follows. Let PP be the hyper-plane defined by {u:Ax,u=λx1}\{u: \langle Ax^\star, u\rangle = \lambda ||x^\star||_1\}. Then it is clear by the optimality condition that uPu^\star\in P, So for a point vv converging to uu^\star, we can quantify the convergence of vv by two quantities (vPu,vvP)(||v_P-u^\star||, ||v -v_P||), where vPv_P is the projection of vv onto PP, which can be computed in closed form. Here v=bAxv=b-Ax or v=uv=u for xxx\rightarrow x^\star and uuu\rightarrow u^\star.

CP convergence


The full code is available on my Github. Here we provide the main CP procedure written in Python.

def dual_prox(b, p, sigma):
	return (p - sigma*b )/ (1+sigma)

def primal_prox(z, lbd, tau):
	return np.sign(z) * np.maximum(np.abs(z) - lbd*tau, 0.)

def lasso_chambolle_pock(A, b, lbd, max_iters=100):
	x0 = np.zeros(A.shape[1])
	u0 = np.zeros(A.shape[0])
	lip = np.sqrt((A**2).sum())
	sigma = 0.5/lip
	tau = 0.5/lip

	x = x0.copy()
	u = u0.copy()
	xbar = x0.copy()
	x_list = []
	u_list = []

	for i in range(max_iters):
		xpre = x.copy()
		u = dual_prox(b, p= u + sigma * A @ xbar, sigma=sigma)
		x = primal_prox(z= xpre - tau * A.T @ u, lbd=lbd, tau=tau)
		xbar = x + theta * (x-xpre)

		x_list += [x]
		u_list += [u]

	x_array= np.vstack(x_list).T
	u_array = np.vstack(u_list).T # change sign of u
	return x_array, u_array

x_array, u_array = lasso_chambolle_pock(A, b, lbd, max_iters=50)
u_array = -u_array # remember to change sign of u suitable for our dual problem
r_array = b.reshape(2, 1) - A @ x_array

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