Biconjugate theorem for convex functions
1. Notations
Let X be a vector space. Let X∗ be the vector space so that (X,X∗) be a dual pair. Let ⟨⋅,⋅⟩ be the finite real-valued bi-linear map corresponds to this dual pair. Recall that, in this setup we have X∗∗=X. Let w=σ(X,X∗) and w∗=σ(X∗,X) be respectively the weak and weak* topologies on X and X∗.
Consider f:X→R, define its conjugate as a function f∗:X∗→R
Theorem (Fenchel-Young’s inequality) For x∈X and x∗∈X∗, we have
Proof. By the definition of conjugate. □
2. Biconjugate Theorem
Theorem (Biconjugate Theorem, @Zalinescu Theorem 2.3.3) If f is closed proper convex function. Then f∗∗=f.
Proof. We first show that f∗∗≤f. For x∈X and x∗∈X∗ we have ⟨x,x∗⟩−f∗(x∗)≤f(x).
The supremum of the LHS w.r.t. x∗ is f∗∗(x), thus f∗∗(x)≤f(x).
We now show that if f∗∗(x0)<f(x0) for some x0∈X, one can derive a contradiction. Indeed, since f is closed, (x0,f∗∗(x0))∈/epif.
Recall the Hahn-Banach separation theorem, see e.g. [@Zalinescu Theorem 1.1.5], Let V be a locally convex space and A,B⊂V be two nonempty convex sets. If A is closed, B is compact and A∩B=∅, then there exist v∗∈V∗∖{0} so that
Apply above Hahn-Banach separation theorem for V=X×R, A=epif and B={(x0,f∗∗(x0))}. There exists (x0∗,α)∈X∗×R so that
We now show contradiction by considering three cases of α: α>0,α<0,α=0.
CASE 1. α>0. Notice that if (x,t)∈epif, then (x,t+n)∈epif for all n∈N. Since α>0, the RHS of (1) will be +∞. Thus, LHS of (1) strictly greater than +∞, which is impossible.
CASE 2. α<0. We then divide both sides of above inequality by −α and get
Which contradicts to Fenchel Young’s inequality.
CASE 3. α=0. In this case, (1) can be rewritten
Let h>0 and y0∗∈domf∗ be arbitrarily chosen. Here, the existence of y∗ is well defined since f∗ is proper. One obtains
Combining this inequality and Fenchel-Young inequality, we obtain
Note that f∗(y0∗) is finite since y0∗∈domf∗.
Therefore, letting h→+∞, we have f∗∗(x0)=∞, which is a contradiction.□
a) By definition, f is closed iff epif is closed w.r.t. the weak topology w×topo(R). If X is a norm space and f is proper convex, f is closed iff it is weakly closed. This is because epif is a non-empty convex set, then epif is closed iff epif is weakly closed.
b) Above theorem also holds for f:X∗→R, here f∗:X→R, i.e. f∗∗=f
3. References
[1] Zalinescu, Constantin. Convex analysis in general vector spaces. World scientific, 2002.