Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Knapsack problem


Knapsack Problem

1. Problem definition

Knapsack problem is defined as
maxc,xs.t.1,x=bx[0,x]\begin{aligned} \max \quad & \langle c, x\rangle\\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \langle 1, x\rangle =b\\ \quad & x\in [0, \overline x] \end{aligned}
Without loss of generality, we assume that cc is sorted, i.e.>0c_1\geq c_2 \geq ....\geq c_n>0. The solution of this problem has a closed form solution.
Let kk be the largest index so that
γk:=i=1,kxib\gamma_k := \sum_{i=1, k} \overline x_i \leq b
Then the optimal solution xx^\star can be characterized by kk,
xi={xi if ikbγk if i=k+10 otherwise\begin{aligned} x^\star_i = \begin{cases} \overline x_i & \text{ if } i\leq k\\ b - \gamma_k & \text{ if } i= k+1\\ 0 & \text{ otherwise} \end{cases} \end{aligned}

The following figure demonstrates a solution of Knapsack problem.

knapsack solution

2. Property of Knapsack

Let b=i=1,nx\overline b = \sum_{i=1,n} \overline x. It is clear that the Knapsack problem is feasible iff b[0,b]b\in [0, \overline b]. Let f(b)f(b) be the maximum value of above Knapsack problem parameterized by bb. Then we have the following theorem characterizes the function ff

Theorem. The optimal value of knapsack problem ff is a piecewise linear increasing concave function of budget parameter b[0,b]b \in [0, \overline b].

Moreover, the breakpoints of ff are γk\gamma_k defined as above. On [γk1,γk][\gamma_{k-1}, \gamma_{k}], the slope of ff is ckc_k, which forms a decreasing sequence, thus ff is concave. The following figure demonstrates the graph of ff.

knapsack with function of budget

3. Code

# 1. solving knapsack
import numpy as np 

n = 10
c = - np.sort(-np.random.rand(n)) # cost coefficients with decreasing order
xbar = np.random.rand(n) # bounds of x
lbd = 0.61 # parameter of b
b = lbd * xbar.sum() # budget

def knapsack(c, xbar, b):
	# c is sorted in decreasing order 
	# b <= sum(xbar)
	xopt = np.zeros_like(xbar) 
	gamma = 0 
	for i in range(n):
		gamma += xbar[i] 
		xopt[i] = xbar[i]
		if gamma >b:
			gamma -= xbar[i] 
			xopt[i] = b - gamma
	return xopt
xopt = knapsack(c, xbar, b)
print("opt solution is", xopt)
print("check sum(xopt) = b, result is", np.abs(xopt.sum() - b)<1e-6)

# 2. vis knapsack solution
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, xbar, alpha=0.3, label="xbar"), xopt, alpha=0.7, color="orange", label="xopt")
plt.xlabel("coordinate of x")
plt.title("Solution of Knapsack problem")

# 3. plot knapsack function 
gamma_values = []
S = 0
for i in range(n):
    S += xbar[i]
    gamma_values += [S] 

def max_knapsack(c, xbar, b):
    xopt = knapsack(c, xbar, b)
    max_value =, xopt) 
    return max_value 

f_values = [max_knapsack(c, xbar, b) for b in gamma_values]

plt.plot(gamma_values, f_values, marker=".")

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